As much as I loved coming up with my list of my favorite books of the year, I also hated it. Each one if a favorite for a different reason, and there's a few others that came close that I can't believe I'm not including. Also I think that your feelings change on books after you read it, so if I were to write this post a year from now my favorites could be completely different based on how they still resonate with me. But here are my favorites from 2013, at least based on how I feel at this exact moment.

1. The Promise of Stardust by Priscille SibleyThis book still brings up emotion thinking about it. It's a really thought provoking post, but the center of it all is a love story. Plus one of the characters was an astronaut which I think is one of the coolest jobs ever.

2. Paris was the Place by Susan ConleyI know I said this in my review, but I really do feel like this book was written specifically for me. It really spoke to the period of my life I'm currently in, and while I think I would have loved it if I read it for years ago (or 5 years from now) it's just the book I needed right now.

3. The Fault in Our Stars by John GreenDo I really need to explain why this one is here? I'm sure it's on everyone's top 10 list the year they read it. I recently saw the movie poster, and just that gets me excited for the idea that they might be able to do it justice.

4. Together Tea by Marjan KamaliAnother book that's perfect for the period of life that I'm currently in. Like a lot of the others on my list it does focus on a mother/daughter relationship, which is one of the reason I loved it and why it made me cry.

5. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra ClareLike every other book I've posted so far, this one again made me cry. I do have my complaints about Cassandra Clare, but I do think this was a perfect end to the trilogy.

6. The Gods of Heavenly Punishment by Jennifer Cody EppsteinI've actually yet to post my review of this book since it's not scheduled till January. But get ready, because I loved it. Part of it was because it's related to my own family's history. But even without that link, I still think I would have fallen in love with it.

7. The Virgin Cure by Ami McKayFinally, I think I'm posting a book that didn't bring me to tears! Although there were moments that could have, so don't go in expecting a happy book. One aspect I enjoyed about this one was that it was so different from most anything else I've read. But still had the same type of feel I look for in a book.

8. A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley CashIn some ways I'm not sure why I have this book here, but for whatever reason it is one I really enjoyed. I feel like in some way it's a modern day
To Kill a Mockingbird, and know there' certain scenes in it I'm not going to be able to forget.

9. The Ward by Jordana FrankelMaybe it's somewhat cheating to have this here since the author was my college roommate and one of my bridesmaids, but I still really loved this book. I can't wait to read the sequel, if only she'd actually finish writing it, but once she does I will again be running out to buy it.

10. Survival Lessons by Alice HoffmanThis is the second book I've read by Alice Hoffman and the second year in a row she's made my top 10 list. This isn't the type of book I normally read, but with such a beautiful message it's hard to pass up.
What books would make up your top 10 reads of 2012? And have you read any of the books on my list?
If you're curious, these are my top 10 books from 2012.
I'm linking this post with The Broke and the Bookish for Top 10 Tuesday