I currently have 199 followers through Google Friend Connect.
I've had over 20,000 unique page views according to Google Analytics. (The rest of the stats are also from Google Analytics.)
The top 10 blog posts written in 2012 based on number of comments are:
2. The Big Day
3. Mailbox Monday (2)
3. Mailbox Monday (5)
5. Mailbox Monday (10)
6. Mailbox Monday (8)
6. Sneak Peak
6. Mailbos Monday (15)
9. Mailbox Monday
9. The First Fifty
9. Mailbox Monday (3)
9. Mailbox Monday (4)
9. Mailbox Monday (6)
9. My Two Moms
9. From Miss to Mrs: Becoming the Bride
The top 10 blog posts written in 2012 based on number of page views are:
2. Show Us Your... Living Room
3. Show Us Your... Kitchen
4. Behind the Labels
5. Show Us Your... Holiday Cards
6. Dressing Up the Tables
7. Last Day at Disney World
8. Non-gagement Photos
9. Show Us Your... Side Dishes
10. On Display, On Display
The top 10 blogs that referred visitors were:
2. Newlyweds Next Door
3. New Girl on the Post
4. Blonde... Undercover Blonde
5. Little Mrs. Married
6. The Java Mama
7. Beyond the Aisle
8. A Little Pink in the Cornfields
9. Mrs. Q: Book Addict
10. A Complete Waste of Make-Up
The top 10 search terms that brought people to the blog (excluding the expected "From L.A. to LA blog") were:
2. Ben & Jerry's Cake Batter
3. Chateau d'If
4. Adrienne Maloof Wedding Dress Display
5. Zours
6. Alex Box Stadium
7. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Rapunzel
8. Laying Out
9. Michael Phelps Niece and Nephew
10. Amy's Shepherd's Pie
In the past year I had blog visitors from 97 different countries
The top 10 visitor countries were:
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. New Zealand
5. Australia
6. Germany
7. India
8. Philappines
9. France
10. Sweden
In the past year I had visitors from all 50 states as well as Washington D.C.
The top 10 visitor states were:
2. Texas
3. Louisiana
4. Illinois
5. New York
6. Virginia
7. Florida
8. Georgia
9. North Carolina
10. Maryland
Since a lot of this post was based on my readership, tell me about yourself and let me know in the comments where you're reading from! (Feel free to be a vague as you feel comfortable.)
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