8 MonthsYou're 9 months old!

9 MonthsWhich means yes, I missed your 8 months post, so consider this a combined 8 and 9 month post!

May 26At 8 months you weighed 13 lbs and 3 ozs and at 9 months you weighted 14 lbs (both for the 0%ile).

May 27You are wearing 6 months size clothes, with a few onesies being a little too small length-wise, but a few pants being a little too big. You're still in size 2 diapers, although once we finish the last few we have a box of size 3 to start using.

June 1You've also gotten your first teeth these months. The center 4 all came in at once. And now you're currently cutting both of the side top two.

June 10You are on the go, non-stop moving. You're still at an army crawl, but you move so quickly around the house there's no reason to change things up. You're pulling up and if necessary you can cruise along the coffee table or ottoman, especially if there's something you want.

June 23You aren't quite ready to walk holding hands, I think because you realize it's so much quicker to crawl so any time we try it you just sit back down. In some ways, there's no need to change things up, especially since you're able to crawl your way up the staircase!

June 29It finally seems like you're starting to realize what an awesome person your sister can be. It took a while knowing how often she takes away whatever you're playing with, but when you're in the high chair (I guess because you're trapped), you two have a blast together. Apparently she thinks it hilarious when you hit your tray, which in turn makes you laugh and hit your tray harder for a vicious cycle.

July 1Speaking of your high chair, you're slowly getting better with feeding yourself. You aren't a huge fan of sweet of tart flavors, but seems to love things like meat or beans best.

July 8It is crazy knowing that it felt like just yesterday your sister was 9 months and that in no time at all you'll be running and talking just like she is. It really does go so, so quickly that part of me wants to keep you this little. And yet, I can't wait to see the person you'll become.

July 23Here's a comparison with your sister at 8 and 9 months.

8 Months

9 Months

Birth Story

1 Month~2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months