Twas the night before the wedding when all through the house, not a creature was heard, not even a mouse... except that's not quite how it went down. After the rehearsal I went back to the house along with my MOH, Bridesmaid Chicago, and Bridesmaid NYC (yes, I kicked the boy out of our house the night before the wedding). I figured we could have a fun girl's night while accomplishing the last few tasks for the wedding.
Except my lists of things to do a morphed into something unimaginable, and to me, we had to get them ALL done. There were things that had to get done just before the wedding (like washing out all the candy jars), things that I would have finished earlier if I hadn't been dealing with Isaac (like those programs), and things that I just hadn't made time for (like mapping out where each assigned table would be).
Tensions were high, we were all tired, and I may have had a mini-breakdown. I was just so nervous about everything going as planned the following day, and felt so stressed and alone in a way. I know I didn't plan the wedding by myself, and I had a lot of people who were there and who wanted to help, but I think the fact that it was the night before the wedding and my mom really wasn't there made me a little emotional. (As it is I'm tearing up writing this.)
Just in times past I would talk to my mom and work out details with her, and she would then talk to everyone else and make sure everyone knew what was happening. Without my mom as point person, I didn't feel like I knew how to communicate to friends and family what was happening and what I expected from them, but I also didn't feel like anyone was trying to communicate to me either. My dad and I didn't really talk about the wedding, so for all I know people were talking to him, and the message never got to me. But I guess part of me just felt alone, and that I was having to deal with all the stress of the completely by myself. I know that isn't the case, and I'm not saying I don't appreciate all the help I received (because I did receive a lot!), I'm really just trying to say if you are lucky enough to have your mom there to help you plan your wedding, just be appreciative.
After I felt awful, and made my bridesmaids feel awful, which in turn made me feel awful for hurting them, we finally made it to bed and I slept miserable. I remember being awake at 2am with such a miserable headache, that I got out of bed to take advil. Then remember looking at my phone around 4am, and couldn't believe I hadn't feel back asleep yet. But from there actually did sleep until my 8am alarm.
How did you spend the night before your wedding (or any other type of big event)? Was it a blissful night with your future husband, or did you wind up a little over- stressed?
Miss a Recap Post?
From Miss to Mrs: The Calm Before the Storm
From Miss to Mrs: There's a Hurricane Coming?
From Miss to Mrs: Here Comes Isaac
From Miss to Mrs: Weathering the Cane
From Miss to Mrs: After the Storm
From Miss to Mrs: Trials and Tribulations
From Miss to Mrs: The Last Errands
From Miss to Mrs: A Night on the Town
From Miss to Mrs: The Hangover
From Miss to Mrs: Rehearsing in the Heat
From Miss to Mrs: The Last Single Supper
From Miss to Mrs: Gifting the Girls
4 hours ago
We spent the night before our wedding apart. I stayed in the apartment and he spent the night with his friends.
ReplyDeleteIt's understandable to have a meltdown. Weddings are stressful.
Oh, I hate that you felt alone the night before your wedding. I had the same feelings/breakdown. I wonder if that happens no matter how awesome/supportive/loving your crew is...
ReplyDeleteI was really on edge the DAY and afternoon before our wedding. I hadn't slept much the night before and emotions were high. I cried a few times over nothing. After I got a little wine in me at the rehearsal dinner I felt fine though!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for feeling emotional and not well the night before your wedding, especially after the year you've had and your mom not being there. I'm sure your bridesmaids understood!