The start of this book has Sookie's brother Jason dealing with the consequences of the evnts in Dead to the World. (Talk about trying to avoid a spoiler with that line.) The big mystery in the book, it that someone is shooting "shifters" (a.k.a. people who can change into animals), and since a lot of Sookie's friends are shifters she wants to get to the bottom of it all. Also this book introduces us to a pirate vampire, and in the midst of it all the werewolves are electing a new packmaster.
I did really enjoy this one, but this is the first time that I haven't felt this book was the best of the series. Not to say I didn't enjoy it, but that it wasn't my favorite out of the books in the series. I don't think the book are going to go downhill from here, and do think it's possible to find a new favorite by the series end. But right now, I'd still list Dead to the World as my favorite.
While the end of the book wrapped up the main mystery (as all of these books do), part of the ending was really sad. I wouldn't go so far as saying I was disappointed with the way it ended. But I do hope that things turn around for the better with the next book in the series!
I can't wait for her new book to come out next month!