So don't let the title fool you, I'm not really Lord of the Rings obsessed, but I figured it was a fitting title for this posts about, what else, but rings.

When it came to my wedding ring I knew I wanted something simple. I didn't want diamonds on it, instead I would rather have the engagement ring have the only diamonds. I'm not completely sure why this is what I wanted, but I think it's because it's how I traditional think of a wedding ring. Yes, I think diamonds on rings are pretty, but it doesn't feel like a wedding ring to me. I guess I just equate the diamonds with an engagement ring.

Coincidentally, while this is 100% what I wanted, it's actuall meets the requirements for traditional Jewish wedding ring. In order to a ring to be able to be used in a Jewish wedding, it needs to be unbroken by stones or cutouts. So while it's what I want it, it also works religiously for me as well.

The boy also had a pretty strong opinion on what he wanted, and that was a tungsten carbide ring. He wanted something that would stand up to whatever he put it through and not end up destroyed.

So on a recent Saturday, the boy and I headed to the mall to the same jewelry store where he purchased my engagement ring. Since we both knew exactly what we wanted, there wasn't really any deliberation, and we were out of the store within 20 minutes or so.

Now don't get me wrong, the ring is still exactly what I wanted, except the fact that we were in and out of the store so quickly makes me second guess it. After all shouldn't this decision and the purchase of our wedding rings take longer than that? I know it's completely ridiculous since I had my decision already made, and we'd even looked at wedding rings once before, but I guess I wanted a little more fanfare with it all?
Did you have an easy time selecting wedding rings? Or did you wind up second guessing your decision at all?
We actually bought 2 sets of rings. My husband didn't give me any guidance with the first set so he hated them. I got more input with the second so we got what we wanted. He was very concerned that we get matching rings so mine has no stones either.
ReplyDeleteI really like your rings! My husband chose both of my rings (they came as a set, the wedding ring is a plain band with a little dip in it so it fits snugly around the solitaire in my engagement ring) and I helped him pick his.
ReplyDeleteMy husband also has a Tungsten ring and it is practically indestructable. He scraped it along the bottom of the lazy river pool on our honeymoon and there was not a single scratch.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous!!! I originally wanted a plain band because my engagement ring is a 3-stone round cut and very sparkly but I tried on SO MANY plain bands with it and they just didn't look right. I settled on a simple white gold band with pave diamonds in it. So it's not too super sparkly. I really love it and I think I will wear JUST the wedding band a lot because right now I take my engagement ring off when I do things like yoga and run and I can barely even tell I'm wearing anything when I have my wedding band on it's so light and small!
ReplyDeleteI think this is the first time I've seen a close-up picture of your engagement ring by the way. Very gorgeous!