Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We're Licensed

The past week the boy and carpooled into work. He dropped me off and the way in, and then picked me up at the end of the day. And once he picked me up we were off to the Clerk of Court's office to pick up our wedding license.
This is me with our unofficial license, aka the pretty one we get to keep and display or scrapbook. We were given two official ones to mail back, and this one means absolutely nothing, but I guests brides were complaining about not having an heirloom version of it.

The whole thing was pretty harmless. We went in and gave them our birth certificates to make copies off. Then had to type our contact info into their computer systems. From there we had to waited a few minutes while they created our documents. But once they were finished, and we were about $30 poorer we were ready to go.

The workers at the office seemed to be awfully impressed with how patience we were being, granted we were both playing with our phones so it was easy to stay entertained. When I mentioned that to the boy (after a 2nd employees thanked us for being patient) he pointed at the man at the desk with a file of folders who was being told he still didn't have the right documents for what he wanted to do. He seemed pretty calm as well, but I'm guessing they deal with people all the time who aren't happy with the government's process.

But again, we had no issues with it, and now we're officially ready to be married.