4 YearsYou're 4 years old! I can hardly believe it. Where on earth has the time gone?!?

August 21At your 4 year doctor appointment you were 41 in tall (77th%ile). You weighed 29 lbs (6th%ile). You're mainly wearing 4t clothes and are still wearing size 9 shoes.

September 19We've started reading chapter books at bedtime, and you're really enjoying them. So far we've read Socks and Beezus and Ramona, both by Beverly Clearly, The Rise of the Earth Dragon by Tracey West, and The Princess in Black by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale. On the other hand, on nights where your Daddy puts you to sleep you play board games together. Your current favorite is "Monsters" (Kingdom of Tokyo). According to him you love earning token and exchanging them to buy things.

October 6It's finally gotten to the point where your brother is really old enough to play with you. It's awesome for you because now you have a playmate who is willing to do basically whatever you tell him to.

October 31We're at the point where we've had a couple of teacher conference, and so far the message is the same, you're a leader, which is good, unless you're leading people to do the wrong thing. You definitely want to be in charge and want to make sure everyone is doing exactly what you want to do.

November 15Of course, through this all you have some great friends. I is still a favorite, and C seems to be another great friend as well. And lucky for you a handful of your classmates will be with you when you start your new school next year.

November 16You're so opinionated and you know exactly what you want. Of course what you think is always 100% correct. We've already gotten in a few arguments such as when you told me you KNEW you were getting invited to a birthday party even though we hadn't gotten an invitation yet. (Turns out, you were right!) Of course, I can already see what these fights will look in 10 years when you're a teenager!

December 2You've gotten so big, and yet you're still so little. You still love being carried around. While you can go to the bathroom by yourself, you'd much rather have company with you when you do so. You still need 3 million things before going to bed (the fan on, the knot game, to kiss your cabbage patch dolls) and as much as I might complain walking back up the stairs each night, I know pretty soon you're going to be too big to tuck in... which is so crazy I can't even articulate!

4th Birthday Party

1 Month ~ 2 Months~3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

24 Months ~ 2 1/4 Years~2 1/2 Years

2 3/4 Years ~ 3 Years ~ 3 1/3 Years

3 2/3 Years
WoW! I can't believe she's four already! And yes, I too am dreading the teenage years although I'm happy to have a kid who knows her own mind and is willing to fight for what she wants :) (Can you tell I try to put a positive spin on it?!?!)
ReplyDeleteYou've got a strong-willed daughter on your hands! I know that presents challenges but it's also a really good thing, as I know you know! She is such a cutie! I think she as a December birthday - will she go to kindergarten in the fall? I know if some states you just have to turn 5 before the end of the year. In Minnesota there is a strict cut-off of being 5 by September 1st to attend kindergarten.