24 MonthsYou're 2 years old!

August 25I can hardly believe it. Two just sounds so old. And yet, in a way, you're still so, so little.

September 2For a few official stats, at your 2 year appointment you weighed 19 lbs 2 oz (0%ile). You were 31.9 in tall (3rd%ile). Your head circumference was 47 cm (11.6%ile).

September 15You're mainly wearing 12 months, with a couple of 18 months tops thrown in. You're wearing size 6 shoes. (And if you had your say about shoes, you'd always, always want to wear your boots.)

September 23As I said in my last update, you're talking non-stop. A recent update though has been singing. For example, on the drive home today as it was raining, I hear in the back seat, "Rain, rain go away, another day." Or while changing you into pajamas to go to sleep, it was a perfect for "Jingle bells, jingle bells, all the way!"

September 28Speaking of going to sleep, your are still sleeping with at least one, sometime two My Little Ponies. (After all, they are perfectly handheld, and the most essential part, they have hair.) But you've also started to collect things in your bed as you're sleeping. Tonight for example, in bed with you was a pony, stuffed dinosaur, stuffed tiger, stuffed skeleton, giant giraffe pillow you received for Christmas (and yes, I am writing this 2 months late), as well as a plastic tractor, and plastic dinosaurs.

September 30Dinosaurs are one of your current favorites, along with trucks, tractors, or lawnmowers. You have a dump truck you love filling with stuff and dragging all around the house. Or instead, you'll sit on the tricycle (a 2nd birthday present) or fire truck (a 1st birthday present) and ride them around the house. Both of them also have hidden compartments for storage, so you're constantly hiding things in them in addition to your yellow chair (also a 1st birthday present).

October 9You recently have started being afraid of monster or Bergens (the bad guys from Trolls). Nothing crazy, but you won't willingly go into a room by yourself or when it's dark since there might be a monster. Luckily you'll often find your older sister is willing to accompany you.

October 13You still love your big sister, and want to do anything she's doing. For an interesting turn, now she wants to copy everything your doing. It makes it so much fun when one of you is doing something they shouldn't as soon as one stops the other starts instead for a vicious cycle. One of which would be jumping on the couch. Although I do have it admit it is pretty adorable that every time you jump on the couch you yell out, "No monkeys jumping on the couch!"

October 24It's funny because while I can't quite believe how big you are, you still seem so much smaller than your sister was at this age. I'm sure it's a second child thing. Either way though, it's crazy how these past 2 years have flown by and that I can barely even remember you as a newborn. Hopefully now that I'm in less of a newborn fog, I'm able to remember more of these adorable details from 2!

2nd Birthday PartyHere's a comparison with your sister at 24 months.

24 Months
Birth Story

1 Month ~ 2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

20 Months ~ 22 Months
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