22 MonthsYou're 22 months old! And by that I mean you're a week away from turning 2, but I'm not actually late yet.

July 6You've gotten so big! Well, I guess not in terms of size, since you're still wearing 12 months and size 6 shoes. (Although I have tried out a few 18m tops, which are big, but work.) On our home scale, you're right around 20 lbs.

July 7Otherwise though, you are talking up a storm! Putting words together, saying small sentences like "I wanna come!", "I'm climbing," or "Geaux Tigers!" You are constantly on the go. Spinning in circles, jumping from the coffee table to the couch, just non-stop. There have been times where you've literally run head first into the wall, and you're still ready to go.

July 25You love lawn mowers. One of your favorite things is to just stare out the window watching our neighbors mow the lawn. Or if you're at home depot, you're in absolute heaven getting to try out all the riding lawn mowers. (Both of which are pictured below!)

July 29Your other favorite, My Little Ponies. They fit perfectly in your hand, and they have hair. Currently you have both a pink and purple one, and assuming we can find both, you sleep with them at night.

August 4You have several books we seem to read over and over again, specifically,
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do you Hear,
Usborne's Big Book of Things That Go, and
How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah.

August 5You love playing with your sister and want to do everything she does. One of the favorite games you two like to play is getting bags, filling them with a ton of stuff, and then carrying them all over the house to go on a picnic.

August 8You really aren't a baby anymore, and I can't hardly believe it. It's just crazy to me how quickly times flies by. I just know I need to cherish all of the big hugs I get from you, because in no time at all you're going to think you're too big for them.

August 11Here's a comparison with your sister at 22 months.

22 Months

Birth Story

1 Month ~ 2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

20 Months
He looks so much like his big sister! And I love to hear about all his sentences -- so fun!