Sunday, April 26, 2015

Mailbox Monday (112)

Another weekend has come to an end, and what a weekend it was! More to come on this later this week, or at least whenever I manage to get the post up. But for now, I'm linking up with Mailbox Monday to share the books I've recently picked up.
Mailbox Monday
A Walk in Paris by Salvatore Rubbino
This was a gift from my dad. It's pretty fitting too since it's about a girl who walks around Paris seeing the sights with her grandfather. At this point I've really only glanced through it, but it does look quite adorable.

From My Mom
The English Roses by Madonna
This, like the next few books, were all ones that belonged to my mom that I'm now inheriting. For the first, I actually remember when my mom bought this one. I was in college at the time, so I definitely wasn't for me, but instead she bought it as a Madonna fan. I remember reading it then and thinking it was adorable, and continue to feel the same now.

Athenais by Lisa Hilton
My mom and I had similar reading tastes, and often she'd finish a book and lend it to me afterwards. This definitely seems like one that may have made it's my way eventually, even if my mom was still alive. It's about one of Louis VIV's mistresses, which means it take place in one of my favorite time periods.

Sarum by Edward Rutherfurd
This one is at least one I'm familiar with, although I don't remember my mom reading it. It's quite possible that she didn't though, since there's a handful of Waterstone's bookmarks in it. I've actually been wanting to read something by Rutherfurd for a while now, so hopefully it lives up to my expectations.

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
This one I remember my mom loving, although I don't remember this specific version of the book. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now and I'm excited that I can finally make it happen.

The Witch of Cologne by Tobsha Learner
The cover of this gives quite the impression, yet it doesn't look to be the best representative of its story. Instead it's about a Jewish midwife in the 1600s, which sounds like the type of book I'd really enjoy.

Wind, Sand, and Stars by Antoine De Saint-Exupery
I remember loving a movie of The Little Prince growing up, but I never actually read the book. Expanding that a little more, I've never read anything by Saint-Exupery before, so I knew this was one I wanted to add to my library.

The Discovery of King Arthur by Geoffery Ashe
Knowing my mom loved The Mists of Avalon it shouldn't be too much of a surprise to hear she was a big King Arthur fan in general. This book isn't fiction, and instead explores the history behind the legend and where it may have come from.

From Goodreads
A Lover's Vow by Brenda Jackson
Yet another giveaway win! But honestly as a romance novel, I can't say I'm expecting too much from it.

What did you find in your mailbox this week? And did or do you and your mom have similar taste in books?


  1. Some good ones in there. I just finished "Wreckage" half of me loved it half of me thought it was forced...

  2. Brenda Jackson is great. Enjoyed reading your descriptions of the books.

  3. Ooo, A Walk in Paris sounds like a book I would love! :)

    My mom and I did have pretty similar tastes in reading. She doesn't read as much as I do but she does tend to read a lot of the books that I have read and recommend.

    I didn't buy any books this week but when I was at Phil's mom's house last night, I took "Americans in Paris" from her stack of books that she was planning to donate.

  4. Looks like a nice collection. Enjoy!

  5. Nice week for you.

    A Walk in Paris looks cute.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  6. A lovely stack! Enjoy....and I would love to take A Walk in Paris.


  7. I have 'The Witch of Cologne' but haven't read it yet. I LOVED 'The Mists of Avalon' and can't wait to see what you think of it.

  8. These look lovely. Happy reading.

  9. Athenais sounds very good. I've been meaning to read The Mists of Avalon for a long time and still haven't. Happy reading!

  10. A lot of good reading ahead for you.

  11. The Witch Of Cologne sounds intriguing, I LOVED The Mists Of Avalon, and my mom and I do have somewhat similar tastes in books.

  12. Oh, A Walk in Paris looks wonderful!
