I've figured I've teased you long enough through various mentions, but I'm finally revealing our nursery! The whole room was what we called "The Big Closet" before because we mainly used it as a storage room. So when it came time to make it functional we had to donate a good amount of what was inside it as well as find places from much of it go go. But finally, it's done, and hopefully you think it's worth the wait!

This the the view to the left from when you first walk in the room. The original plan was to do a purple and yellow nursery, and while both colors are there, I found it wasn't the easiest to do. Turns out if you're buying something yellow it most likely has grey in it. And actually the one purple and yellow item I thought I found was actually purple and green when it shipped to my house. But even so I think we made it work, even if it is more of a purple, yellow and grey theme.

The crib was a Sundvik Crib from Ikea. The intent was for it to be white to match the rest of the furniture, but the boy realized once I brought it home to Louisiana that it was in fact black. Thankfully it isn't too much of an eyesore, and it's one of the first things the baby will grow out of. While it isn't the easiest to see, the sheet are purple gingham from Pottery Barn. The mobile was a gift from our registry from Target, and the matching blanket was also a gift from our registry. There's a crib skirt (also from Pottery Barn) that's edged in grey stripes, although this is unfortunately the best picture I took of it. In the corner of the photo you can just see our hand-me-down Mamaroo peaking out.

This is a Kallax shelf from Ikea, which is still pretty empty. One box on the bottom has blankets and extra crib sheets while the other has a few toys. Although I'm sure all four boxes will be full in no time. There's one shelf of stuffed animals, one that has my pump, at least for now, and the box on the top is where I'm putting mementos for now. It's also where our baby book is. Of course since this is a bookshelf, there's definitely a ton of books. There's 3 shelves of children's books, one of parenting book, and one that has our Harry Potter books for the baby to grow into. Also off to the left is our rock n play, and on the right is an empty basket that I'm sure will soon be filled with toys.

The top shelf is home to all type of nostalgia. The picture was a birthday gift to me from my MOH. You can't really tell, but inside each heart is a place I've lived from L.A. to MD (where I went to college) to LA. The train is from the boy's childhood as are the other random wooden toys on top. The teddy bear is the boy's from when he was little, and the cabbage patch doll (a girl named Bernard) is mine from when I was little. The stuffed dinosaur my mom actually made and used to sell versions of back before Etsy was a thing. Then also there's my crown from my baby shower.

While the color is a little off, the curtains are a dark purple, and one of the largest purple elements in the room. The toy chest actually was my FIL's from when he was little.

Now to my favorite part of the room, the little reading corner. The chair is a KACY Collection Morgan glider from Babies R Us gifted from my MIL and FIL. As for the books, I actually took all our board books and have them either in the basket on the floor or on the bottom shelf (which is a Ribba Ledge from Ikea). The top shelf has more of my personal favorites, plus a Hanukkah book since that's the current time of year. I may or may not have unrealistic dreams of changing that book out to reflect the season.

Just for fun, here's a better look at all the books on display, because I know you had to be curious.

To the right of the reading corner is a changing station. It's a Hemnes dresser from Ikea topped with a changing pad, with an attempt to bring in a bit more yellow. There's a pretty big bottle of hand sanitizer on the dresser which was a bit of a gag gift from one of the boy's co-workers since he has a reputation of being a bit of a germaphobe. Although I'm sure it will still come in handy.

This brings us back to the start of the room, where you can see our purple hanging wet back on the door. Our high chair is actually chilling out in a box still, plus there's the closest.

The closest is actually still pretty empty since pretty much all the clothes are in the dresser. I wouldn't get to excited about the hanging dresses revealing a secret, since instead those are my dresses from when I was a baby. If it's a boy we can put them away for the next time, but if it's a girl we're ready, since the gender is still a secret.
I'm sure this is likely far more than you ever wanted to see, but I at least had fun sharing it, and hopefully you enjoyed the little tour as well!
The nursery looks great!!
ReplyDeleteI love this! It looks so great and ready to welcome your sweet baby :)
ReplyDeleteMy nephew has the same crib! Looks so adorable!
ReplyDeleteIt looks so great! I really love that cube bookshelf!
ReplyDeleteAre you cloth diapering?
ReplyDeleteThat's the plan. We have a small stash at this point, but I figure something is better than nothing. I'm not quite sure my husband is on board yet, but I guess we'll find out. Now that she's here, I'm thinking I'll try to start using them next week, but figure I'll kind of take things as them come and hopefully it works out as well as I want!
DeleteI love it! Great job!
ReplyDeleteI love the nursery! I think purple and yellow and gray is a great color scheme. Naturally you incorporated books everywhere. ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Especially the reading nook. That chair looks beyond comfy. For some reason I thought you guys knew the gender and you were just keeping it a secret from blog land. I had no idea you guys didn't know either. How exciting! I admire your dedication to not finding out, because I don't have that kind of patience. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely color scheme! And that reading nook, so perfect! I know you and your baby will spend a lot of bonding time in that corner :)
ReplyDeleteOh cute, I love how it turned out! What a beautiful room for your beautiful baby girl! I love the shelves on the wall with books!!