4 Years Old
You're 4 years old!
July 1 - Heading back to daycare after 3.5 months!
I feel like a blinked and you went overnight from being a baby to an actual kid. It's so hard to really grasp that we're completely out of the baby years here. Who would have thought it goes by so quickly, especially from the other side.
July 18
No official stats since at the time I'm writing this (over 3 months past year actual birthday), we've yet to take you for your 4 year check-up. We'll see if that changes by the time I post this. You are wearing size 10.5 shoes, 4t tops, and 3t bottoms. Or least 3t bottoms that have some type of drawstring. Otherwise 2t might fit in the waist.
August 9
For your birthday we talked about inviting a couple of friends over, but for a variety of reasons, that didn't work out. We did instead invite your cousin over for cupcakes, which was still a lot of fun. But not what we would have planned otherwise. You actually haven't been to a single birthday party since July (#lifeduringcovid), but did get invited to a Zoom party with Elsa.
August 16
You have quite the personality. I'm not even sure how to really discribe it! You're always saying some of the craziest things. ("When can I have my own shed? I'll put my tractor, pushing lawn mower, and bike in it and it will always stay clean.") Or that one of your favorite Christmas presents was a robe, which you call a bra, which leads to phrases like, "Will you hang my bra up just like Sissy's?"
August 19
In terms of food, you have your defined favorites. You love a charcuterie board, always asking for cheese and salami for dinner. For lunch at school, you want the same thing every day (cheese and turkey sandwhich, yogurt, and fruit). And on the days we pack something different you likely won't eat it. You still love tacos and quesdillas. And since I'm pretty sure I haven't written in here, there was that time over the summer where you asked for a salt sandwhich because "I've never had that before." So we sprinkled some salt on a piece of bread which you then ate and asked for another one.
August 31
You love fire trucks and fire fighters. The highlight of most days is when we get to drive by the fire station on the way to your school to see if the trucks are out. Of course you still love tractors, flat-bed trucks, box trucks, buses.... basically anything with wheels. And of course you love playing "box man" which consists of putting a bunch of boxes on a chair and pretending it's a dolly.
September 15
We did start chapters books, which I was really excited about. We started with Dragon Masters' Rise of the Earth Dragon, which you really liked. You then picked Henry Huggins by Beverly Clearly, solely due to the fact there was a dog on the cover. That one has taken a little bit longer to get through and we'll read a chapter in several sittings, but you're still a fan.
September 17
You love jeans. Each day you complain if I don't put you in jeans because "they have pockets." You're always asking, "When can I have my own belt?" I'm sure one of the best parts for when you finally start school will be getting to wear a belt. (Although, they aren't technically required till Kindergartnen.)
September 27
You are so much fun and such a character. One that definitely tests all our patience. But you're still so snuggly and love to tell me, "You're the best Mommy ever." Your dad and I alternate putting you and your sister to sleep each night and the nights I put your sister to sleep you always want me to come snuggle with you after.
October 13
I'm still in awe of how much you've grown and the little man you're becoming. And especially knowing how quickly these first four years have gone, I can only imagine how quickly it will feel after four more when you're 8, then 12, 16....
October 24
Here's a comparison with your sister at 4 Years.

4 Years
Birth Story

1 Month ~ 2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

20 Months ~ 22 Months ~ 24 Months

2 1/4 Years~2 1/2 Years ~ 2 3/4 Years

3 Years~3 1/3 Years~3 2/3 Years
Salt sandwich! That is too funny! He reminds me of Paul with the skinny waist! He's mostly wearing 18m bottoms and he'll be 3.5 in Sept! And some of those even fall off of him. He went through a phase where he wanted to wear jeans every day like daddy.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute little guy. He must be 5 now! Crazy!