3 Years Old
3 1/3 Years Old
You're 3 1/3 years old!
August 6
August 12
Or I guess more importantly you were 3 years old in October! At least I'm remembering to take these pictures. Although at the time I'm writing this I have yet to take you 3 1/3 year picture, so we'll see if that actually happens.
August 24
September 15
At your 3 year visit you were 35.5 inches tall (10th%ile) and weighed 24 lbs and 16 ozs (up to the 1st%ile!). Your wearing a mix of 18 month and 2t bottoms mixed in with some 3t tops. For shoes, you're in size 8.
September 21
September 30
You had a blast at your 3rd birthday. You had a bunch of your friends from school there to play with you at the "jump-y place." It was themed "Things That Go," which is perfect for you. All the time when we're driving you're pointing out fire trucks or motorcycles or lawn mowers to me. You have no problem correcting me either saying things like "No that's an backhoe, not an excavator!"
October 12
October 20
This past Fall you played soccer with one of your friends from school and had a great time. In the Spring, you can't wait to play Tball with your cousin. You love LSU sports, especially Joe Burrow. You have a Joe Burrow jersey and if you could, you'd wear it everyday. You'll ask "When I'm a grown-up, can I play baseball with Daddy and Joe Burrow?" and don't quite understand all the reasons why it can't happen.
October 24
October 27
Potty training is still a bit of a work in progress. Some days are better than others, but I figure, you'll get it out eventually, right?
October 31
November 28
Your absolute favorite food is tacos. If doesn't matter what it is, if it's in a tortilla you'll eat. And yes, we've tried it... anyone else ever eat jambalaya in a tortilla?
December 25
January 13
You are all boy. So destructive and constantly on the go. But you have a sweet side to you too. You still give hugs and kisses and will tell me, "best mommy ever."
February 15
February 22
In some ways I can't wait for you to get a little bit older. Maybe you'll listen a little better then... maybe you'll actually be using the potty then... but then again, I think I'd miss how little and adorable you are now.
Here's a comparison with your sister at 3 Years and 3 1/13 Years.

3 Years

3 1/3 Years
Birth Story

1 Month ~ 2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

20 Months ~ 22 Months ~ 24 Months

2 1/4 Years~2 1/2 Years ~ 2 3/4 Years
He is very similar in size to Paul! We just had Paul's 2.5 year appt and he was about 35" and 25#, so just a little bigger than your guy. He grew 3 inches between 2-2.5 but put in a pound, I think? And our boys are both so blond, although Paul is even blonder. Maybe it will darken a bit as he gets older? We'll see.
ReplyDeleteAnd we are alll about construction equipment, too! He loves 'Might Might Construction Site." We have it checked out from the library but might need to buy a copy since he loves it so so much!
How is he getting so old already?!?!?