Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Follow-Up

Just like I was late starting the read-a-ton, I'm late recapping it all. Overall, in 24 hours I read for 4 and half hours and read 312 pages. So overall, not that stellar, but for more than I would have read on a normal Saturday. Plus I decided to join the read-a-thon at the last minutes. As for the books read...

The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose - Pages 103-365, Finished
On the Rocks by Erin Duffy - Pages 1-50

So again, not the best outing, but not the worst way to start either. Next time though there's a read-a-thon I'm going to decide to do it far earlier, and honestly there's really no where to go from here but up!

Did you participate in the read-a-thon? Or any read-a-thon ever?


  1. I still think that is a lot of reading! I have never participated in a read-a-thon ever!

  2. I've never done a read-a-thon and would absolutely love to!

  3. Hope you participate in the October one!

  4. Hope you participate in the October read-a-thon!

  5. I love the readathon, but I definitely have to plan ahead. I made it 21.5 hours this time around.
