2 1/2 Years OldYou're 2 3/4 years old!

2 3/4 Years OldWhich yes, means this is also your 2 1/2 years update.

February 9

February 16You're 23 lbs and 2 oz (0%ile). It's an official weight since we were at the dr recently for an ear infection. Although it's the first you've had since you had tubes just over a year ago. You're wearing a mix of 12 and 18 month clothes. You're wearing size 8 shoes (although I think you technically can squeeze into your old 6s.) We actually just started potty training and you're doing pretty good. But before that you were wearing 2T pull-ups.

February 23You have become such a character. You've developed this evil mastermind-type laugh, that I can't quite get over. You want to do everything your sister is doing, which I guess has been a common theme. In addition to calling her Kay-Kay which you've done for a while now, you've also started to call her Sissy.

March 3Food is still a struggle, in that if your not hungry you just won't eat. But we can normally count on you to eat hamburgers, chicken, burritos, or cheese. But I will say at your last appointment, you had the highest percentile in weight since you were just a couple of month old.

March 17After seeing your big sister go to party after party, you finally got to go to one of your own. You had a blast at the park at O's party playing with your friends from school O, KA, and P.

April 22

April 24You got a tool bench for Christmas which is one of your favorites. You love to pick up tools and go around fixing things. You've even corrected me a few times when I haven't named the tool right. You're still obsessed with tractors and lawn mowers, although construction equipment is pretty up there too. Any time we're driving around you're quick to spot any equipment we drive by.

May 3You do love playing in the play kitchen mixing stuff up. We actually bought you a train table for Christmas, and while we may not like playing with it that much, you do love destroying it. Other favorites are playing "mobiles" (Playmobils) or board games.

May 25You are constantly non-stop, on the go. It can definitely be difficult for you to calm down and listen, but it's a work in progress. You're just a crazy and wild bundle of energy. It's hard to believe what a little person you've turned into.

July 7Here's a comparison with your sister at 2 1/2 Years and 2 3/4 Years.

2 1/2 Years

2 3/4 Years
Birth Story

1 Month ~ 2 Months ~ 3 Months

4 Months ~ 5 Months ~ 6 Months

7 Months ~ 8 Months ~ 9 Months

10 Months ~ 11 Months ~ 12 Months

14 Months ~ 16 Months ~ 18 Months

20 Months ~ 22 Months ~ 24 Months

2 1/4 Years
What a cute little peanut! He's smaller than Paul, but Paul isn't much bigger. He weighed about 22.5 pounds in December when he was 21 months. I don't know that he's gained much since then - it's so hard to tell! He's still solidly in 12 month pants/shorts and 18m t-shirts. He is starting to wear some 24m footie pajamas. But he's definitely small like your little guy. And they are both so blond!
ReplyDeleteI love it when their little personalities come out more and more and you see what they are really drawn to!