There's one vending machine at my apartment complex. I try not to visit it that often, except I have one of the biggest sweet tooth's possible so its hard to completely stay away. They had the machine in the mail room, which isn't air conditioned. After all, its not like you need your mail to stay cold. Except that the vending machine isn't air conditioned either. Not that big of a deal you'd think. Maybe so, but this is Louisiana.Growing up in Southern California we never had air conditioning, but I think it be hard to find an apartment or house in Louisiana that doesn't have air conditioning.
But back to my candy. There's not normally the best selection in these machines, so most times I've gone with a Twix bar. Yes, there's chocolate, but its has a cookie base, so how bad could it be, right? The funny part is the chocolate isn't normally melted that bad. Instead all the caramel has melted out of the bar and on to the packaging.
There's something else. Growing up I always said "car-mel," except in Louisiana people say "care-a-mel." I've actually tried to order a "Car-mel" Frappuccino at Starbucks and had the barista say back to me, "Do you mean you want a "Care-a-mal" Frappuccino?"
Again, back to my candy. Since it slowly getting cooler I'm hoping my candy bar will actually stay whole and not melt before I eat them. But I guess I shouldn't complain, after all once we're no longer living here and at an actual house there won't be a vending machine so easily accessible.
Anyone else have a few vending machine fiascoes? Also, do you say "care-a-mel" or "carmel" or something else entirely?
20 hours ago