Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mailbox Monday (62)

It's the start of another week, which means it's time to be linking up at Mailbox Monday to share the books I've recently added to my bookshelf.
Mailbox Monday
From Paperback Swap
Summer and the City by Candace Bushnell
I may not have loved The Carrie Diaries that much, and I may not be watching the new tv series, but still... I love Sex and the City too much not to continue with the series. This book finds Carrie living in NYC for the first time, and it's also when she first meets Samantha. It probably won't be the best book I've ever read, but still, I can't wait to finally start reading it.

From TLC Book Tours
Driving Lessons by Zoe Fishman
This is a chick lit-type book with the exact opposite premise of Summer and the City. Instead in this it's a thirtysomething woman moving from NYC to the suburban countryside. While there she tries to figure what exactly she wants from her life, and what sacrifices she might need to make with her career, family, and friendships along the way. Being where I currently am in my life, 9 months from my 30th birthday, trying to decide exactly what I want to be doing with my life, I feel like this book is coming at the perfect time.

Do you find yourself wanting to read books that relate to what you're currently going through or would you rather find a book so different from reality that it's more of an escape? And what did you find in your mailbox this week?


  1. Driving Lessons sounds good. I can relate to it for sure and I go back in forth between wanting something I can relate to and then reading YA fantasy. Although I am really enjoying my 30s so far, even more than my 20s! Happy reading!

  2. Hi! I'm so excited to have found your blog! after reading around on your last few posts it seems like you give amazing book recommendations and I love to read :) I love Sex and the City! but as far as reading goes I really enjoy YA and fantasy as well.. like magic and all that.. I secretly wish that magic was real :p it would be amazing to just wave a wand and have stuff cleaned lol

  3. Sometimes I like books that are close to my reality but overall I prefer to read for escape.

  4. I think it depends on my mood, whether or not I want to escape or relate to what I'm going through. A little of both.

    I had The Carrie Diaries on my shelves for a long, long time and finally read it. And enjoyed it. I think I'll read this one, too...and I'm actually enjoying the show. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Both books look great! I've only watched SaTC but it must be fun to read these book prequels. Looking forward to your review of Summer and the City.

  6. Hmm, I can go either way on that one. I don't like to read books that are set in a similar workplace to me when I'm on extra shifts because I kind of blur the line between the book and reality!
    Enjoy your books!

  7. I love how your books are somewhat similar but yet completely opposite! For me, it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to relate to the characters and their lives, and sometimes, I just want to go to some far away, distant, magical land!

  8. I find the city to country theme entertaining so Driving Lessons looks fun. Mostly I read to escape but not always.

  9. It kind of depends on my mood. Sometimes I want book that reflect experiences I am having, sometimes I want to escape those emotions and read something completely different! I didn't buy or receive any books this week, but I picked up the book "Tell the Wolves I'm Home" from the library.

  10. I read books that might take me to another world! So having something very else in my hands than having something similar to my life would be better option!

  11. Will be reviewing Driving Lessons as well for TLC :) Love the cover on Bushnell's book!

    Check out my Mailbox Monday

  12. I've heard driving lessons is really great :) going to check it out

  13. Love the cover on Summer in the City.

    ENJOY your books.

    Silver's Reviews

  14. I read everything except horror and the supernatural and most sci fi. Driving Lessons has an interesting cover and premise.

  15. Enjoy your books! I love the sound of Driving Lessons.
