I cam into this movie not really sure what to expect aside from the fact it was an action movie where a group of girls had to escape from somewhere. Even know I'm not sure the best way to easily summarize the movie. Let's just say once it ended I had to get the boy to explain parts of it to me. I don't think that I had a bad movie experience because I didn't get it all immediately, but more that there's a few layers to the movie that take a bit to figure out.
I have to say this was a really interesting role for Vanessa Hudgens. It's almost the opposite end of the spectrum of HSM, but I think it worked for her. Also a surprise was Jamie from Real World: San Diego. The entire time watching the movie I knew she looked familiar, but it wasn't till I search IMDB I realized the connection.
I am surprised the movie wasn't in 3-D, because at times it almost felt like you were watching a 3-D movie. Visually it was a great movie, the boy loved the action scenes, but I would say there's definitely a lot more here than your everday action film.