Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mailbox Monday (45)

Three weeks in a row I'm sharing three books with Mailbox Monday. Funny how that works out. I guess we'll see how many books I'm sharing next week. I'm linking up at BermudaOnion's Weblog who stepped up to host for the month of August.
Mailbox Monday
From Goodreads
Home to Whiskey Creek by Brenda Novak
Nothing like a good Romance novel, right? But besides that, don't really know what this one's about.

From Paperback Swap
Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
I've heard so many great things about this and was surprised at how quickly I moved up in the queue to receive it. From what's I've heard it's about India and adoption, and I'm really hopefully it's one I'll enjoy as well.

The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
With the new movie out, I though it was a perfect time to read this. Of course I didn't actually see it in the theaters, and at this point it doesn't look like that's going to happen. (Especially since the boy decided to see it without me. He insists that if I want to see it, I can go see it by myself just like he did!) But I figure eventually I'll see it, and at that point will probably read the book as well.

What did you find in your mailbox this week? And how often, if ever, do you decided to go to the movies by yourself?


  1. The Riordan book sounds good. My daughter loves that series. We'll probably rent the movie when it comes out on DVD.

  2. Nice haul! I don't know much about the Home to Whiskey Creek book either, but I have seen several good reviews of it on other blogs. I love Rick Riordan's books. Happy Reading!

  3. My classroom is in full-on Percy Jackson mania right now... but the seventh graders had already checked out all of the books by the time we got to visit the library, so I spent Friday recommending books like The Maze Runner, Divergent, and The 39 Clues to disappointed Percy fans.

  4. I loved the Percy Jackson series! Happy reading! Thanks for stopping by my blog. (:

  5. I enjoyed The Secret Daughter and listened to all of the Percy Jackson books with my kids. They are really quite enthralling.

  6. I haven't heard of any of these books. ENJOY!!!

    Have a great week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  7. I'm curious about Home to Whiskey Creek. Enjoy your reads! Here's MY SUNDAY UPDATES/MAILBOX MONDAY

  8. The Whiskey Creek series sounds good! Enjoy all your new books.

  9. Secret Daughter sounds very good! Hope you enjoy your books!

  10. I've had Secret Daughter on my TBR pile for far too long; I heard it's really great! I hope you do enjoy reading it, as well as your other books. Happy reading!
