Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Call the Pumpkin Police

Can I tell you how excited I am about Halloween this year? Not because I'm doing anything crazy, but because we'll have actual trick-or-treaters at our house! I'm so excited to buy candy, and since I have no idea how many to expect I'll have to make sure to buy lots. After all I'm sure I can figure out something to do with the leftovers.

But since I'm so excited I figured I should get my house in the holiday spirit too. I didn't go out and buy decoration but I did by a pumpkin to carve. I was probably a little too excited over this. But honestly I can't remember the last time I carved a pumpkin. I went a bought the special pumpkin carving supplies, which thankfully came with a book of patterns and I had my haunted house.
Except I figured I was smart enough to customize it a little. I added the path out front, which I think looks great. But then I decided it needed a full moon. Except when you look at the picture you realize the sky is blank space, and the moon should probably been pumpkin. Not quite sure how that would have worked, so I probably should have left the moon off all together. But at least it looks a little better all lit up.
Anyone else carving pumpkins this year? Do you normally follow a pattern, or would you prefer to free-form it?



  1. I carved my pumpkin...posting it tomorrow! Yours looks great!

  2. That looks so great!

    I carved my first pumpkin (really!) I have a pic of it posting in a few days!


  3. I think that looks absolutely amazing!!!!

  4. I have never tried to carve a pumpkin because I thought it looked hard. Your pumpkin looks AMAZING. I really thought you were going to say you purchased it that way.
