Thursday, December 11, 2014

Show Us Your... Holiday Decorations {2014}

I know there's a ton of different blogs that holiday decoration link-ups, but I can't help and stick with my favorite (and one of the first blogs I ever really linked up with) Kelly's Korner.
I tend not to go to crazy with holiday decorations, partly because we really don't own very many, and also partly because while my husband is Catholic I'm Jewish so a feel a little conflicted about the whole thing. But it's important for him to have a Christmas tree so if we going to have one, I at least want to it be pretty. Seems, reasonable, right?
Each year we talk about upgrading to a bigger tree. But for now, with just the two of us our little tree works. Plus I'm not quite sure there's room in our house for a huge tree at this point.
Both mine and the boy's stocking are up, and while the baby does have a stocking holder ready, their stocking isn't quite. Not too big of a deal since the baby hasn't yet made their appearance, but by Christmas Eve I can promise you both the baby and the stocking will be hanging out.
I do have the majority of presents wrapped at this point, except for the boy's since he was in the room with me while I was wrapping. Maybe a bit of an overachiever, but really more that I wanted to make sure as much as possible was done before we have a new baby in our house. You can pretty clearly see which presents are for Christmas and which are for Hanukkah by the whole color divide. And yes, I do have a present for each day of Hanukkah for a baby who won't even be a week old. Obviously, they won't remember, but I will. Plus as an October baby I used to give my mom a hard time for not dressing me up for my first Halloween, so I want to make sure I don't fail our child in a similar way!
Speaking of Hanukkah, here's our bit of holiday fun on the dinning room table. It'll definitely need to be rearranged a bit to light the candles, but I think for now it works. Although I'd love to find more cute Hanukkah decorations to put our next year, as impossible as they may be to locate.
Here's one final look at what our living room looks like for our baby's first Christmas. Crazy to think both the holiday and the baby are really only days away from arriving, right?

Curious about our decorations from years past? You can see them here!

If you're stopping by from Kelly's Korner be sure to say hi! And what are your thoughts on celebrating holidays with newborn babies?


  1. I love your decorations and I'm impressed the baby gets a gift for every night of Chanukah. We usually only give each kid about three or so.

    And really, what's the difference between celebrating Christmas/Chanukah with a newborn and a nine month old? I'm sure Rachel has fond memories of her first holidays and she was six months old :) But the important thing is that I have those memories.

  2. I love your blending of Christmas and Hanukkah! When we were young and lived in California, two of my mom's best friends came from Jewish-Christmas households. One of the couples hosted a Hanukkah party every year for all their friends and kids. Their house was also decorated for both holidays. :)

  3. Beautiful decorations! I'm a bit envious. We don't have any decorations up yet. All our Christmas stuff is packed high and tight in our storage unit! If we had kids I'd get it all out but since it's just us two I guess we're feeling a bit lazy in the decorating department. Anyway, make sure to take lots of photos to show your little one in years to come-- baby's first Christmas-Hanukkah! How lucky they get to celebrate both holidays :)

  4. Target has a ton of great Hanukkah decorations at reasonable prices.

  5. Stopping over from Kelly's Korner! I love your decor and the fact that you are now becoming a Southern Belle. I am from Louisiana (geaux Tigers!) but have lived in Texas for 26 years now. Our youngest daughter was born on Christmas Eve 25 years ago so I know all about Christmas babies. We do not cheat her. Her birthday gifts are wrapped in birthday and her Christmas are wrapped in Christmas paper. In fact we have probably gone overboard. Stop by at #36. Congratulations on the new baby!

  6. Aw, I think it is sweet that you got something for Kaylee for each day of Hanukkah!

    I put my tree up the last weekend of November and am planning to share pictures of it this week when I post about the Gingerbread Decorating party I am hosting tomorrow.
