Sunday, February 13, 2011

In My Mailbox (4)

I'm back participating in The Story Siren's In My Mailbox to share what books we've picked up in the past week. Again this was a week when I wasn't expecting to bring anything home, but surprisingly I have a few to share.
First my parents were out here visiting the past week, and we they left they lent me a copy of True Grit. I've never read the book, but I did enjoy the movie, so I'm hoping I enjoy the book just as much.
I've been trying not to spend money on books lately since already I have so many in my "to read" pile. But I saw it on sale, and since I've been meaning to read it forever, and will probably buy it at some point, now looked like a great time to buy it!

We'll see if I can not give into temptation and avoid buying anymore books this week! But I can still live vicariously through my readers! So tell me, what's in your mailbox this week?


  1. True Grit is on my tbr list after seeing the movie. I'll be interested to hear what you think.

  2. Great reads! I'm very curious about True Grit. I haven't seen the movie, but it seems interesting.
    New follower!
    My IMM

  3. I loved the movie of True Grit, so I'd be very curious about how faithful it is to the book. My understanding is that the Coen Bros. tried to follow the book more than the original John Wayne film did.

  4. Just discovered your blog. I'm a "L.A. refugee" myself. I recently moved from L.A., my adopted hometown of the past 15 years, to Atlanta.

  5. I loved True Grit, the movie, and can't wait to read the book. I hope you like it :)

  6. I must be living under a rock because I had no idea True Grit was a book. Shame on me! I still have to see the movie, too. Happy reading - thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :)

  7. I've been wanting to read that second book for months now! Thanks for the reminder!
