Friday, July 22, 2016

Baby #2

In case you missed my hidden announcement last month, I'm pregnant.
5 Weeks
5 Weeks
10 Weeks
10 Weeks
Back when I was pregnant with Elley, I posted about it when I was 13 weeks along. This time, well, I just hit 28 weeks. Last time I took a picture every week and while I may not have posted them each week I was pretty close. It's pretty clear that I'm not posting weekly updates this time around. And while I haven't taken photos every week, these are the few photos I managed. Already this baby is suffering from being the second child. Ha!
11 Weeks
11 Weeks
14 Weeks
14 Weeks
Like last time, overall I'm having a really easy pregnancy. I still gag when I brush my teeth in the morning, (Once again that was one of the first signs I was pregnant.) but overall morning sickness was never that bad. Honestly, the hardest part has been the exhaustion. Being pregnant and dealing with a toddler is no joke, hence the fact that I've been so non-existent lately. Most nights after Elley goes to sleep, all I want to do is lay on the couch and zone out in front of the tv.
15 Weeks
15 Weeks
17 Weeks
17 Weeks
In good news though, I don't have gestational diabetes this time around! I actually had to take my one hour test early due to last pregnancy, but passed it. Even so, I still had to take the one hour test the normal time and failed. At this point I had to take the 3 hour test again and I was sure I was going to fail, but surprised myself. Basically this means desserts are still in!
19 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
20 Weeks
We've done basically nothing to get ready for the baby. We had talked about getting a new house before the baby arrived, but since that isn't happening, the plan is to turn the library into a bedroom. Easier sad than done though since that room is packed with books. I've started going through and sorting books to pass on and others to put in storage, but there's still a long way to go.
22 Weeks
22 Weeks
26 Weeks
26 Weeks
As for Elley, she'll be 22 months old when this baby arrives and I have no idea how she's going to react. She will point to my stomach and say baby. But she'll also point to her own stomach and say baby, so I'm not sure she quite gets it. Although come October she'll figure it out and I'm not sure she'll be too happy with the changes.
27 Weeks
27 Weeks
I'd love to promise you I'll be back soon with more pregnancy updates. But with my luck the next time I post about this baby it will be here! Ha! Hopefully that doesn't happen and I manage to check in a time or two before then!


  1. Whooo hooo!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so behind on my blog reading (as you can tell) that I haven't even had a chance to read the original post.

    And I'm not blogging much either but it's because I'm currently working two jobs (a very short term, temporary situation) not because I'm pregnant. Ha!

    Anyways, I can't wait to read more as you're able to update.

  2. Silent reader and follower. Congratulations:) and any idea if its a girl or a boy? In March on evening of Purim I gave birth to my own happy blue bundle of joy. ( My birth is in october) thanks also for mentioning on library. Signed my little guy up for it.

  3. I did miss your sneaky announcement! Sorry and congrats!

  4. WOOHOO!!! Congrats and good luck!

  5. You look fantastic! I'm so excited for you.

  6. You look so adorable! I am glad that you have had such a good pregnancy so far and it's awesome that you don't have GD this time around! Woo hoo! Bring on allll the desserts! ;)

  7. Congratulations! That's great you don't have gd again!

  8. Oh my gosh, YAY! Congratulations!

  9. Holy moly! I can't believe you are so far along already -- congratulations!!

  10. Oh my gosh..... congrats! Hope you are feeling well!

  11. Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
