Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mailbox Monday (105)

I have an exciting week of books to share in today's Mailbox Monday post!
Mailbox Monday
From Paperback Swap
The Betrayal of the Blood Lily by Lauren Willig
The next in the Pink Carnation series! I think what I'm most excited for with this is that it takes place in India.

From Goodreads
She Weeps Each Time You're Born by Quan Barry
This is a historical fiction that takes place in Vietnam. I've read very little about Vietnam, but what I have read I've really enjoyed. Hopefully this one joins that opinion.

Remember by Eileen Cook
This is a YA dystopian. It seems to be similar to the idea behind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie that I loved, so I have high hopes for this.

A Fifty-Year Silence by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
This is a memoir about a girl whose grandparents were Holocaust survivors. She decides to investigate the reason why her grandparents marriage fell apart after the war.

Definitely an interesting mix of genres, don't you think? It's hard to pick the one I'm looking forward to most, but maybe The Betrayal of the Blood Lily followed by She Weeps Each Time You're Born.

Which one would you want to read first? And what did you find in your mailbox this week?


  1. These all sound great.
    I ordered some new books for my class to go along with our Native American unit!

  2. Yes, a good mix of genres. I'd probably read the Willig book first. Enjoy!

  3. That is a good mix of books! She Weeps and Remember caught my eye. Have a great week :)

  4. I haven't heard of any of these but they all look good. I don't think I ever made it past the second book in the pink carnation series but maybe I'll have to get back into it.

  5. I'd read Remember first. Congrats on your Goodreads wins!

  6. Stopping by from Mailbox Monday. New GFC follower. you have a cute blog!

  7. A Fifty Year Silence sounds really good and just a little bit heartbreaking.

  8. Betrayal of the Blood Lily sounds intriguing, I might have to check out the Pink Carnation series...

  9. Ooo there's a couple here I would love to read.

  10. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on "A Fifty Year Silence." It sounds really interesting.

  11. Enjoy! your reads, A Fifty Year Silence caught my eye.

  12. A Fifty Year Silence looks quite good.

    ENJOY all your books. Have a wonderful reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  13. A Fifty Year Silence would be my first pick! I read about that somewhere - can't remember where now - but it's one I want to check out!

    This week I picked up "The Rosie Effect" and "The Book of Strange New Things" from the library. I'm reading The Rosie Effect now but don't know if I will get to the other one because 3 other books just became available from the library and I really want to read all of them!

  14. The Blood Lily book looks really good. Hope you enjoy them all!
