Tuesday, April 30, 2013

MMRR in April

MMRR is my monthly wrap-up post inspired by a similar series of Lisa's. It's a fun way for me to look over the past months as well as look back to how it compared to past years.

I actually made an awesome baked ziti this past month that I've been meaning to blog about. But other than that I'm still slightly obsessed with this New Orleans Ice Cream Co. Praline Crunch.
Praline Crunch Ice Cream
They actually sell a ton of other flavors at our local grocery store, that I'm hoping to be able to try next.

I opened up my blog for sponsors this month, and gave away my first ad space as part Dara's 300 follower giveaway. Speaking of giveaways I also hosted one for a print from 80 Frames Around the World, which was won by Lexie of Tea and Crumpets. I can't wait to see how she likes her pint!

I reviewed 7 books and 4 movies this month.
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
Bloom by Kelle Hamtpon
The Fifth Knight by E.M. Powell
Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Duckerman
Taking Chances by Molly McAdam
From Ashes by Molly McAdams
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
G.I. Joe Retaliation
The Host

I actually reviewed a bunch of amazing books and movies this month. There's several that I'd love to read or watch again. But even so, without a doubt, my favorite this month was Clockwork Princess.

In April 2009, I flew to California for less than 24 hours to spend Passover with my family.
The Table Set Up
Yes, it seems a little ridiculous to fly for such a short trip, but looking back I'm so glad I did it. It wound up being the last time I was able to spend Passover at home with my mom. And not only was she still with us at that point, but my grandfather was as well.

What are your meals, moments, reviews, and remember from this past April?


  1. That ice cream sounds so good!

  2. PS. It's never ridiculous to have a visit, no matter how short! A year ago, I flew home for about 24 hours to help my sister find her wedding dress, and I surprised them, which was the best thing!

  3. MMM, baked ziti sounds good! If I could find GF ziti, I would try to make it. I suppose I could use any other kind of GF pasta shape, though!

    Let's see, meals was the lentil enchiladas I made on Saturday, moments were mostly sad moments as I adjusted to being in a new city where I have very few friends, I reveiewed a book for TLC that was so so, and I remembered my grandpa yesterday as it would have been his 90th birthday.
