Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome To...

I'm back this week with Classy in Phildelphia's Where in the the World Wednesday. If you want to join in, simply share a picture of yourself somewhere in the world. It doesn't have to be somewhere tropical or foreign, just somewhere that you consider traveling. This week I'm taking you to...
Welcome To New Mexico
New Mexico
This was taken summer 2006, the summer after college graduation. Once I graduated I had to get my car from Maryland to California for the summer. I did half the drive with my dad, then the second half with a friend from high school. On the drive we made a point to stop and take a picture at each state's welcome sign. Since this picture was taken just after New Mexico we were only a few states away from our destination.

If you're looking for more Where in the World Wednesday posts, be sure to head over to Classy in Philadelphia. Or if you'd prefer, you can see Where in the world I've been here.



  1. I'll be in New Mexico in 2 weeks!! What part did you end up going to?

  2. That sounds like such a fun road trip! I've never done long distance driving.
