Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sounds Like an Amazing Birthday Present

Anyone who knows me well will tell you I was am a pretty big Backstreet Boys fan. I'm not as big as I used to be in high school and even most of college, but that is mainly due to the fact they haven't had a lot of albums since then. I am a big enough fan that I follow backstreetboys on twitter. And ok, I might follow nickcarter as well. But since I follow them I know that the Backstreet Boys are planning a pretty awesome birthday present for me. Turns out their new album This is Us comes out on October 6, less than a week before my birthday!

And of course you can't have a new album without a single! The single's called Straight Through My Heart (Ummm yeah, its a Backstreet song, so of course heart HAS to be in the title.) I haven't heard it on the radio yet, but hopefully I will soon! But of course there is youtube!
Anyone else want to share their thoughts? I think that the new song is pretty awesome! (of course I do) I know some of you out there used to be Backstreet fans back in the day. Anyone else think they'd buy the new album?



  1. I am not at all ashamed to say I loved me some BSB :) I actually really like this song! I would buy it!

  2. It's just not the same without the 5th guy!

  3. I am a proud BSB fan! I had no idea they were putting out a new album. I would definitely buy this!

    I went to their concert when I was 21 and it was the greatest!

  4. This cracks me up! I was a huuuuge Backstreet fan in hs, but now I've moved on from the boy bands, more or less. Glad you're not afraid to stay true to what you love!

    I have great memories of my friends and I singing "I want it that way" in the back yard by the pool.

  5. I was all about NSync and the Backstreet Boys back in the day. haha. I saw both bands in concert and loved it! But, sad to say, I haven't really been that big of a fan of the new stuff the Backstreet Boys have put out. It's ok, but I don't love it enough to buy the CD or the single. But listening to this song definitely brought back memories so thanks for sharing! funny thing is, the title of this song sounds just like another song by them, doesn't it?? oh, and I am kind of bummed Kevin isn't in the group anymore.
